MAKO-plasty; knee osteoarthritis

MAKO-plasty: Advanced Orthopedic’s less-invasive option for knee osteoarthritis.

Are you sitting on the decision to relieve your knee pain? As we age, countless adults fight through knee pain or stiffness that occurs while standing, walking short distances, or starting from a sitting position.

Colorado has one of the nation’s fastest-growing aging populations, and in six years, there will be more than 1.3 million Coloradans age 60 or older. But an active life after 60 isn’t for sitting; it’s for doing – embracing your interests and doing all of the things that you finally have the time to do.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that affects many active adults, but today’s treatment options can relieve your pain and extend the life of your knee into the next decade. For patients who have not experienced relief from anti-inflammatories and non-surgical treatments, MAKO-plasty offers a convenient and viable option to undergoing complete knee replacement.

The consistency and precision of MAKO-plasty’s proprietary computer navigated, robotic-assisted procedure allows the surgeon to resurface only the diseased portion of your knee (sparing the healthy portion of the bone and surrounding tissue), ensuring that your implants are optimally positioned to maximize the function of your existing knee.

You can’t turn back the clock on osteoarthritis, but MAKOplasty’s bone and function preserving partial knee replacement procedure can delay more invasive surgeries for as much as a decade or more – allowing your retirement years to be active years rather than sitting out on the fun.

As Colorado’s first MAKOplasty surgeon, Dr. Harold Hunt has pioneered the use of this computer-navigated, robotic-assisted treatment and has made less-invasive treatments a truly viable option for Coloradans with partial knee osteoarthritis. “I see the real difference that MAKOplasty makes in my patients’ pain and mobility daily,” said Advanced Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Harold Hunt. “For patients with early to mid-stage osteoarthritis, MAKOplasty is a game-changer.”

In fact, success stories include one patient, who, after the MAKOplasty procedure at the age of 70, has since placed second in two international duathlons, and another patient who was skiing within just a few weeks of his procedure. Many others report the thrill of getting back to tennis, biking, hiking, and all the activities they love.

Mako-plasty keeps active adults active, with rapid pain relief and recovery. In most cases, patients are permitted to walk the day of surgery, drive a car within two weeks, and return to normal activities shortly thereafter. For patients with limited osteoarthritis, MAKO-plasty is the go-to tool for relief.

Knee pain doesn’t need to impact your ability to line up a putt or enjoy a brisk morning walk. In Colorado, we enjoy our active lives, so don’t sit on your pain problem. MAKOplasty offers active adults a less-invasive solution to knee osteoarthritis. AdvancedOrtho keeps active lives active.


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