
October Is The Ultimate CrossFit Month

Did you know that October is the ultimate “CrossFit” month? Yes, I’m talking about the fitness trend – cross-training strength and conditioning programs – but I’m also talking about sports fans! October is the only month of the year when pro football, basketball, hockey, baseball, golf, and even soccer are all in full swing.

Unless you’re getting too aggressive with your remote control, you probably won’t get hurt being a #superfan, but as more amateur athletes get in the cross-training game, we want to be vigilant about injury prevention. Participating in multiple sports within the same season or cross-training programs not only increases the amount of repetitive motion strain, but it also reduces recovery time between high-intensity activities. So whether you are a couch potato looking to turn over a new leaf, or a training junkie, follow these tips to avoid injury.

• Develop proper techniques and increase activity as you master new techniques. Cross-training can be accomplished at many levels. Know your skills and be willing to learn over time.

• Prevent overuse and minimize the risk of overtraining by starting slow and building strength across alternating muscle groups.

• Warm-ups, stretching, and cool down are always important, and they are essential when cross-training or participating in multiple fitness activities in the same season.

• Young athletes beware: Cross-training and multi-sport participation increases stress on bones and supportive ligaments during growth, which can lead to injury. Watch for early warning signs.

• Don’t ignore signs of injury. There’s a big difference between pushing through a workout to build strength and ignoring injuries. Listen to your body and see an expert if something doesn’t feel right.


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